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Solar farm vegetation management

Clear the way for effective solar farm solutions

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Powered by Envu innovation herbicides

// Esplanade® 200 SC // Method® 240SL
// Plainview® SC // Esplanade Sure // Derigo®

Effective vegetation management is important for solar farms. Tall weeds growing around solar installations can create shading that reduces the functionality of the system. Cells can heat up to high temperatures causing permanent damage and potential fire. Undesirable vegetation can also obscure and damage fence lines.

A vegetation management program combining Envu innovation herbicides with mechanical methods help provide effective vegetation control, flexibility and savings.

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Benefits of a combined approach

Using Envu innovation to control weeds at solar installations is more cost effective than mechanical treatments alone.

  • Can provide season long vegetation control with one application, focusing efforts proactively in the fall
  • Reduces the need for mechanical treatments
  • Reduces weed seed spread
  • A Envu program also promotes desired vegetation in turf areas, which naturally compete with weeds and limits new seed germination



Consider a fall application

Due to the uncertainties of spring weather, a fall application provides more suitable conditions for herbicide activation and effectiveness – saving time and resources.

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Envu innovation chemistry saves time and resources

From an operational perspective, combining fall, proactive, herbicide applications with summer herbicide and mechanical treatments allows site managers to better utilize crews and equipment. It also helps maintain the integrity of the solar structure because of reduced need for mechanical methods.

  • Mowers can't always access the areas below a solar panel installation
  • Mowers and string trimmers can kick up debris, damaging solar panels

Solutions for every situation

Different areas of a solar installation may require different Envu herbicide solutions. Consult with your Envu Vegetation Management representative to discuss the product solutions and tank-mixes that are most effective.

To manage fence lines:
Esplanade 200 SC, Esplanade Sure, Method 240SL, Plainview SC, Roundup PRO® Concentrate

To manage bareground:
Esplanade 200 SC, Esplanade Sure, Method 240SL, Oust® XP, Plainview SC, Roundup PRO Concentrate, Telar® XP

To manage turf below and between panels:
Derigo, Escort® XP, Esplanade 200 SC, Method 240SL, Oust XP, Telar XP
(Dependent on turf type and geography)

For crack and crevice applications:
Esplanade 200 SC, Roundup PRO Concentrate



Foundational performance you can count on

// Esplanade® 200 SC

Season-long control with one application.

Esplanade 200 SC applied in combination with other herbicides is an effective preemergence herbicide that controls over 75 species of annual grasses and broadleaf weeds.

  • Provides up to eight months of residual control, reducing the number of applications needed in a season
  • Controls weed seedlings as they germinate in the soil and prevents their growth and establishment
  • Effective against weed species that have developed resistance to other herbicides
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    // Method® 240SL

    A strong, foundational herbicide for broadleaf weed and brush control.

    Apply Method 240SL as a preemergence and postemergence for long residual control of broadleaf weeds in a variety of situations.

    • Effective on many difficult to control broadleaf weeds, including kochia
    • Apply at 10 to 16 oz. per acre for fall bareground timing, depending on geography, rainfall amounts and weed pressure
    • Apply at 4 to 8 oz. per acre for selective broad leaf weed control in areas where grasses are desired or maintained
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