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Esplanade 200 SC


Esplanade 200 SC

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Product Overview

Get up to 8 months control with a lower use rate.

Esplanade® 200 SC delivers superior preemergence control of broadleaf weeds and grasses where warm-season turfgrass coverage is desired. It offers broad-spectrum weed control for large hardscapes, roadways and railroad sites. Just one preemergence application offers season-long control of more than 75 weed species.

Key Benefits

  • Uses significantly less product per acre than competitive standards
  • Reduced time and labor costs – due to fewer applications
  • Flexible – can be tank-mixed with both preemergence and postemergence herbicides
  • Odorless and non-staining
  • Minimal PPE requirement – as compared to traditional IVM herbicides
  • Not a federally restricted-use pesticide

Use & Control

Weeds Controlled

Broadleaf weeds: Kochia, horseweed/marestail, pigweed, Russian thistle, yellow starthistle and more
Grassy weeds: Annual bromegrass, Barnyardgrass, crabgrasse, foxtails, goosegrass, sprangletop, tufted lovegrass, annual sedges and more

Always read and follow label instructions. See the product label for a full list of weeds controlled.


What is Esplanade 200 SC?

Esplanade 200 SC is a preemergence herbicide that offers long-lasting control of over 75 species of annual grasses and broadleaf weeds, with a use rate significantly lower than competitive standards. Plus, with up to eight months of residual control, Esplanade 200 SC also reduces time and labor costs.

How does Esplanade 200 SC work?

Esplanade 200 SC herbicide controls weeds by reducing the emergence of seedlings through inhibition of cellulose biosynthesis (CB Inhibitor). Necrosis or yellowing may also be observed if the herbicide is applied to herbaceous tissue such as leaves and green stems of susceptible plants.

Where can Esplanade 200 SC be applied?

Esplanade 200 SC herbicide is used to control many annual grasses and broadleaf weeds in railroads, roadsides, hardscapes, industrial areas, utilities, airports, government and military installations, managed areas (petroleum tank farms, pumping stations, storage areas, rail and utility rights-of-way, utility substations, lumberyards, around farm buildings, non-irrigation ditch banks, fence rows, manufacturing sites, office buildings, educational facilities, parking lots, and under asphalt or concrete as part of site preparation).

Esplanade 200 SC may be used to release or re-establish desirable perennial grasses, forbs, shrubs and trees in non-crop areas such as parks and open space, wildlife management areas, recreational areas, fire rehabilitation areas, prairies and fire breaks.

How is Esplanade 200 SC helping in the release or restoration of desirable vegetation?

Esplanade 200 SC herbicide helps control invasive annual grasses such as cheatgrass and may provide multiple years of control with one application. Controlling invasive annual grasses for several years reduces the seedbank and future invasion. Annual grasses can degrade wildlife habitat quality and quantity, ecosystem diversity, and contribute to wildfires.

Does Esplanade 200 SC control kochia?

Yes. But the most effective control is applying Esplanade 200 SC herbicide and Method 240SL herbicide before kochia emerges delivers the most effective control especially in areas of the western US.

What are the active ingredients in Esplanade 200 SC?

Esplanade 200 SC herbicide contains the active ingredient indaziflam, which is one of the most effective and long-lasting preemergence solutions available.

How is Esplanade 200 SC different than other preemergence herbicides?

Esplanade 200 SC herbicide has a unique mode of action that is very effective against weed species that have developed resistance to other commonly used herbicides. Additionally, the length of control provided by Esplanade 200 SC is excellent, lasting up to eight months. This reduces the number of applications needed in a season and gives applicators the flexibility they need – saving time and money. These use rates are much lower than other preemergence herbicides which are applied at several pounds of product per acre.

To manage warm-season roadsides, apply Esplanade 200 SC in the fall to control rye grass and other weeds. This reduces the need for mechanical mowing in the spring, reduces weed seed spread, and provides a form of biological control by promoting desired turf which will then naturally compete with new weeds.

When do I apply Esplanade 200 SC herbicide?

Apply in the spring prior to weed seed germination for control of spring and summer weeds and apply in the fall for control of winter weeds. For late fall applications, apply Esplanade 200 SC prior to when the ground freezes. Esplanade 200 SC does not generally control weeds that have emerged.

What are the use rates for Esplanade 200 SC?

The desired rate of Esplanade 200 SC herbicide depends on the residual weed activity required and restrictions on the maximum amount of Esplanade 200 SC per season. Esplanade 200 SC may be applied at 3.5-7 fl. oz. per acre in a single application and no more than 10 fl. oz. per acre applied within a 12-month period. Factors including soil type, rainfall, and the amount of vegetation at the time of treatment may affect weed control. Lower rates of Esplanade 200 SC may be effective for sandy soils, whereas organic soils may require higher rates.

Does Esplanade 200 SC need to be watered in to activate it?

Yes. For maximum weed control, Esplanade 200 SC herbicide needs to reach the soil surface and be activated by rainfall or adequate soil moisture. For maximum activity against germinating weeds, Esplanade 200 SC requires rainfall (minimum 0.25 inches) within several weeks after application to activate the herbicide. If the herbicide is not activated by rainfall prior to weed germination, control may be reduced.

Does Esplanade 200 SC have postemergence activity?

Esplanade 200 SC herbicide has minimal postemergence activity and generally does not control weeds that have emerged. A postemergence herbicide such as Method® 240SL or Roundup PRO® Concentrate may be mixed with Esplanade 200 SC to control existing weeds. Esplanade 200 SC also does not control tubers, rhizomes, and woody vegetation.

Is Esplanade 200 SC herbicide safe to use around crops and non-target plants?

Take precautions to avoid spray drift due to wind, temperature inversion, and droplet size as listed on the label. Avoid run-off due to over-saturated or powdery, dry, light or sandy soil or for other reasons listed on the label. Injury to crops or desirable vegetation may result if treated soil is washed, blown or moved into these areas.

Is there a risk of Esplanade 200 SC getting into surface water?

When used according to label instructions, Esplanade 200 SC herbicide has no detrimental impact on the environment. Do not apply directly to water or to soil where standing water is present except as specified on this label.

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