Controlling problematic diseases in bermudagrass greens

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Some of the most problematic diseases in bermudagrass greens are still weeks to months away, but now’s the time to start planning your applications. Tough soil-borne diseases of bermudagrass can be controlled most effectively with DMI fungicides applied starting in the spring. Here’s how:

  • The toughest diseases of bermudagrass
    • Fairy ring – Fungicide applications should begin when 2” soil temperatures average 55-65oF and applications should continue on a 28-day interval, or even a 21-day interval on especially problematic greens. Water-in fungicides with a minimum of 0.125” of irrigation or enough irrigation to move the fungicide down to fairy ring mycelium if present. Envu’s guaranteed fairy ring programs are highly effective while requiring the fewest applications and lowest cost among competitors.
    • Mini ring – Considered a heat-of-summer disease, preventative fungicide applications should begin at consistent air temperatures of 85oF and continued on 14-day intervals until temperatures cool in the fall
    • Take all root rot (TARR) – Though TARR is most damaging in the shoulder seasons (45-60oF soil temperatures), recent research at North Carolina State University suggests optimum growth of TARR fungi is between soil temperatures of 77-86oF, which occur during much of the summer: .Therefore, fungicide applications for TARR should start earlier than previously thought and always water in
  • Envu solutions:
    • Mirage® Stressgard - the go-to and highly reliable DMI for all three of these diseases
    • Densicor® - Envu’s latest fungicide that is a next generation DMI with broad spectrum disease control, plus extremely low risk of phyto or growth regulation
      • Timing – Densicor applications are limited to three/year so many golf course superintendents are reserving applications for their most difficult diseases
        • Consider Densicor for the 4th and/or 5th fairy ring app (likely May-June), which will also effectively control mini ring early in the summer. Watering in for fairy ring will not negatively impact mini ring control
        • Consider Densicor again for the 5th and/or 6tth mini-ring application (likely late July-Aug), which will also effectively control TARR
      • Other diseases controlled by Densicor – include leaf spot, Microdochium patch, large patch, and spring dead spot, so it is not a fungicide for summer use only.
  • More information – Always refer to the label for specific recommendations. Contact your Envu Area Sales Manager if you need assistance

Densicor can be used strategically in the summer to help control three primary diseases of bermudagrass, with documented turf safety at greens height.

densicor chart

Todd Lowe

by Todd Lowe , Todd Lowe, M.S., Green Solutions Team

Monday, January 16, 2023