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Lawn Care Stories of Success

The Story of Weed Man & Envu

A story of how Envu lawn care solutions help lawns and businesses thrive.

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At its core, lawn care isn’t about managing pests, combatting disease, controlling weeds or growing grass – it’s about pride. When Jon Cundiff, CEO of Weed Man Kansas City, thinks about his business, he does it through a crafted lens, carefully tinted by what his customers care about – things like school plays, ballet lessons, work functions, washing dishes, paying bills and the constant need to just take a breath.
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Learn about the Envu products that are key to Jon's success.

Envu Specticle FLO

When it comes to keeping turf looking beautiful, you can count on Specticle FLO. It’s been proven to provide superior warm-season preemergence control of the most troublesome weeds.

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Envu Merit
Merit provides long-lasting grub control at exceptionally low use rates. It gives outstanding residual control of numerous ornamental pests, with broad-spectrum systemic action, and preventive grub control and curative control for certain pests.
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