Forestry Solutions: Western U.S.

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Forestry Solutions: Western U.S.

Innovative solutions to help improve productivity.

Our science-based solutions are designed to protect the health of our trees and forests, from ensuring a strong start to helping them thrive through all the years that follow. If you want the job done right, start with the right products.

forestry western
// Escort® XP

Apply less. Get more.

  • Applied at a low use rate – reducing the chemical load on treated acres without compromising brush control
  • Dry flowable formulation – offers better solubility in the tank and more uniform pray coverage than previous formulations
  • Little to no dust
  • Flexible – can be tank-mixed to broaden the brush control spectrum

Effects may be seen within 2-4 weeks

Escort XP is not labeled for use in California.

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// Espanade® F

A unique mode of action for foresters.

  • Selective, preemergence herbicide with extended residual
  • Unique mode of action (cellulose biosynthesis inhibitor) for conifer production
  • Wide spectrum control of broadleaf weeds and grasses
  • Long-term control of susceptible weeds

Excellent seedling tolerance and residual control

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// Oust® EXTRA

Both post and preemergence control.

  • Industry standard for herbaceous weed and woody brush control for site preparation prior to planting Douglas fir
  • Low use rates and easy to mix
  • Foliar and soil residual activity

Controls Rubus (blackberry, dewberry)

Oust EXTRA is not labeled for use in California.

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// Oust® XP

Just a few ounces per acre.

  • Herbaceous weed control for site prep and spring release applications
  • Easy-to-use, low application rate solution

See effects within 2-3 weeks

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// Velpar® DF VU

Flexibility means nothing without results.

  • Controls woody brush, broadleaf weeds and grasses
  • Used for site preparation, release and herbaceous weed control
  • 75% dry formulation offers more efficient transport to application site than bulky liquids

Excellent fit for Ponderosa pine and Douglas fir in the western U.S.

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Tank mixtures: The applicable labeling for each product must be in the possession of the user at the time of application. Follow applicable use instructions, including application rates, precautions and restrictions of each product used in the tank mixture. Not all tank mix product formulations have been tested for compatibility or performance other than specifically listed by brand name. Always predetermine the compatibility of tank mixtures by mixing small proportional quantities in advance.