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Keep your hay and your reputation growing strong

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Preventing weeds before they emerge is often more effective than controlling them once they have germinated. Rezilon® herbicide is a preemergence herbicide that can increase hay quality by managing summer and winter annual broadleaf weeds and grasses, allowing you to deliver high-quality hay and keep your customers coming back for the long haul.

Its unique mode of action offers flexible application timing options that give you more control over troublesome weed species and help manage annual grasses in perennial grass hayfields — a quality few preemergence or postemergence herbicides are able to maintain.

Key benefits

Consistent, long-term weed management

Rezilon herbicide contains the active ingredient indaziflam, a long-lasting residual compound that provides extended weed prevention other products cannot match. Once applied, it can sit on the soil surface for some time with minimal degradation from sunlight while waiting on rainfall for activation.

Improved hay quality

When Rezilon herbicide is applied according to label directions, growers could see higher-quality forage on their first cut as a result of managing annual weed species present.

Improved grower reputation

It’s about more than delivering high-quality, weed-free hay. It’s about delivering for your customers time and time again and keeping them coming back for the long haul.

Wider application window

As a result of its extended residual weed protection and stability on the soil surface, applications targeting winter annuals can be started as early as August, while applications targeting summer annuals can be initiated as early as January.

Application timing options that meet your needs


Target different problem species

You can use the flexible application timing of Rezilon herbicide to control a variety of annual weeds by timing your application according to the growth cycle of the target species.


To control early germinating summer annual weeds such as crabgrass, sandbur, goosegrass and foxtail, apply in late winter.


To control midseason or late-season summer annual weeds, apply a second application just after your first harvest for extended control.


To control winter annual weeds, apply in late summer after a cutting.
stacked haybales

Maximize results

Applying just after a cutting is the best way to get peak performance from your Rezilon herbicide application because it puts the product where it can work most effectively. Use this technique when targeting midseason or late-season summer annual weeds or making an application for winter weeds in late summer to fall.

industrial equipment

Activate quickly

Like many herbicides, Rezilon herbicide requires water for activation, so you can get faster results by applying it right before rain or irrigation of up to 0.5 inch. This approach can boost weed control prior to your first cutting (late-winter/early spring application).

Our four-part video series is full of expert information you need to produce the clean hay your customers demand.

Check it out today.


When should I apply Rezilon herbicide?

Rezilon herbicide is a preemergence herbicide and should be applied well before target weeds are expected to germinate. It is better to be several weeks ahead of germination rather than several days. When an application is made during the growing season, it should be applied soon after a cutting to prevent the grass canopy from intercepting the spray.

If I use Rezilon herbicide in the spring, can I come back in the fall and plant a forage for winter grazing such as ryegrass or clover?

No. Rezilon herbicide has long residual action and will inhibit seed germination of many species planted for forage the season following an application.

What should I do if I am making my application later than is recommended?

If Rezilon herbicide is not applied well before expected weed germination, a tank-mix partner should be added to control weeds that may be present or are already germinated. Examples would be mixing in Pastora® herbicide to control ryegrass or Cimarron® Plus herbicide to control broadleaf weeds.

How long do I have to wait to cut hay or graze my field after I apply Rezilon herbicide?

There are no grazing restrictions for Rezilon herbicide and no haying restrictions provided no more than 3 fl oz/A have been applied. When applied at rates higher than 3 fl oz/A, hay may not be cut for a period of 40 days.

Visit our resources page for more application and use information.