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Lawn Care Stories of Success

Ziehler looks to his supplier for more than just lawn care products.

A story of a 20-year partnership with his supplier that’s helping this Ohio-based company thrive.

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Andrew Ziehler isn’t just interested in lawn care products. The owner of Ziehler Lawn and Tree Care in Centerville, Ohio, is interested in partnerships. Which is why for the past 20 years Ziehler has worked closely with his supplier, using the products that keep his clients’ lawns green and healthy – and the array of other resources and support the manufacturer provides.

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Learn about the products that are key to Ziehler's success

// Merit®

Merit provides long-lasting grub control at exceptionally low use rates. This product gives outstanding residual control of numerous ornamental pests – it interferes with nerve impulses and disrupts insect behavior. Pests stop feeding, stop reproducing and eventually die.
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// Maxforce® FC Ant Killer Bait Gel

Maxforce FC Ant Killer Bait Gel provides fast control of ants within three to five days. Its active ingredient, Fipronil, allows foraging ants to return to the colony and feed the bait to larvae and the queen(s) so that the entire colony is killed. This is the Maxforce Domino Effect®.
// Suspend® PolyZone®

Count on the unstoppable staying power of Suspend PolyZone. This innovative insecticide features a proprietary polymer layer that protects the active ingredient from weather, irrigation, spray rinsing and mechanical abrasion to control targeted pests for up to 90 days.
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