Specticle Flo

Don’t wait for weeds.
Strike first with
Specticle® FLO.

Stop Weeds Early. Keep Them Down All Season Long.

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From weather to callbacks and costs to competition, some things are out of your control in the lawn care business. But weeds aren’t one of them — unless you allow them to be. With the preemergence power of Specticle® FLO, you have the upper hand against weeds all season long. Specticle FLO lets you take a proactive approach to long-lasting weed control on most warm season turf types, helping you save on long-term costs with happier customers and fewer pricey callbacks. In the fight against weeds, don’t wait for them to make the first move — strike first with Specticle FLO and spend less time giving customers a lawn they’ll love.

Key Strengths

// Superior Preemergence Control

Proven to provide outstanding preemergence control of the most common troublesome weeds, including Poa annua, goosegrass, crabgrass and Florida pusley.

// Prolonged Weed Control

The long residual of Specticle FLO helps increase profitability by preventing unsightly weeds that can lead to customer callbacks.

// Extended Broad-Spectrum Control

Broad-spectrum control of more than 90 grassy broadleaf weeds, including difficult weeds like doveweed, spurge and chamberbitter.

// Tough on Weeds, Gentle on St. Augustinegrass

Get season-long weed control with two applications of 3.5 ounces per acre while preserving the health of sensitive warm season turf types, including St. Augustinegrass.

St Augustinegrass
Walking on golf course

How Long-Lasting Control Saves on Long-Term Costs

When you use Specticle FLO to strike first against weeds, you’re setting your operation up for profitability and success. While some preemergence and postemergence options are less expensive upfront, they can ultimately cost more in the long run by requiring more visits and applications to get the job done right. But Specticle FLO delivers superior preemergence control with a long-lasting residual that reduces callbacks, cuts down on labor costs and keeps customers happy. Plan the first strike with our Specticle FLO Cost-in-Use Calculator and compare costs for yourself. Research shows that a Specticle FLO preemergence program can reduce 1.5 postemergence applications in St. Augustinegrass lawns.*

*Results based on a 2018 study by Patrick McCullough, Ph.D, Evaluation of Specticle Programs for Weed Control in St. Augustine Lawns.

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